Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Review the teams overall effectiveness together with you contributions to achieving the goals. Receiving and providing feedback to other team members

Team worked extremely well by trying to complete all tasks given way before the deadline reached. The reason why our group worked so well because we kept in constant communication with each other. not just meetings is the time we spoke; expanded it to Whats App, instant messaging on our mobile phones. This allowed us to create a group chat, and had informal discussions about the project work. By doing this we were keeping each other updated of work that we need to do. At the beginning of the project we looked at each other as business project colleagues now we've reached the end; in my group we built friendships as well as hosting a successful event.
In our group, we came up with the decision to give one of our group members; Rae, a warning because he kept turning up late. After this warning, his performance towards contributing was even greater than it was. This was an effective way of dealing with this group member, rather than firing him from the group because he realised what he was doing wasn't wrong and was corrected. He produced an amazing excel document of the financial analysis for the event. This was very complex as different formulae had to be created in order for the document to look how the larger organisations do it.

I felt my contribution to the group was very important because I was in charge of market research. This had to be done accurately because this task involves finding out the right customers are, and getting them to attend our event. If it wasn't for me, my group wouldn't have seen much profit. I also came up with the theory that if we have this Mortal Kombat competition, with the resources coming from group members. It wouldn't cost us anything. So even if one person came to our event, we would still be making profit.

Evaluate the teams overall effectiveness in meeting its objectives and making recommendations for improvements.

In this assignment I will evaluate the teams overall effectiveness in meetings its objectives and making recommendations for improvements.
In the agendas that were recorded from the beginning of the whole project. We met all the targets set and most of them were met before the deadline that we set for them. The minutes that we recorded can prove this.
An objective that our group had was to gain profit; like what any other business would want. Our even had no cost at all. This meant that even if one person came to our event we would have met our objective. Even though our group knew this, we were not just going to settle with one or two people attending our event.
Our group set our targets too high, but we still made profit though. From our survey, we made an estimate that we would get 40 customers. We even created an excel document with a formula that will enable to see what profit we will make. This formula can be adjusted; meaning that you can put any figure in and it will calculate the profit that would be made.
As a recommendation if we had more time and used more promotional techniques would have created more profit as more people would have heard about event; increasing the chance of more people attending. However we were limited because the event was only open to college students/staff. Not really a big scale, some promotional techniques like radio, bill boards. Would have made sense because this would attract people outside the college but guidelines told us that only college students and staff can only attend.

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