Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Analyse the research findings and make recommendations on how marketing strategies could be adapted or implemented

In this assignment I will be analysing research findings and make recommendations on how marketing strategies could be adapted or implemented.
Mortal Kombat had the most votes in our survey with 50% of people voting for them out of 28. Whereas Fifa had the most sales out of the games we researched. A total sales figure of 4.20 million units; these two samples of research was very vital into how our event was formed.  Our group came to a conclusion to choose Mortal Kombat because the survey that we conduct has most accurate sample results that matched our target audience which is young people in the college ages 17-19. The sales figures show that Fifa had sold a lot of copies, but it doesn't go into detail on how many people that were our target age range. It could have been 3-15, 25-30-40+. These facts were not known, so this information couldn't be used in our event. The reason why our group chose to do a tally chart survey is because it was very cheap, effective and less time consuming. It cost our group very little money to create the survey and we didn't have distribution (printing costs) is because we printed one page chart. We introduced participants to the questions and asked those questions and we gave them options to choose from and we would mark their answer with a tally on the chart. As a recommendation it would have been better to have done the marketing sample of a bigger selection of people. This is because the more people taking part means that you have a wider range of opinion and most people agree with it, then its seem to be acceptable; but not in all cases because there’s a minority that still won’t accept some things.
The price was a good to find out market research on because it can give an indication of how much money can be charge. Once finding out you will charge, it means the organisation can now begin to develop targets to work towards. As our group did, we decided to charge 50p per game as it got majority in the vote but a small amount voted £1 above. We decided to join the two market researches; to conclude that 1 game will be charged at 50p and 3 games £1.
Our group created a logo, with our company name ‘ Games 2 Play ‘. This was very unique because no other group had done this - following this we created a poster promoting the event. It had the most important information about the event very big and bold; date, venue, time and price. These are the pieces of information that a potential attendee will want to know. Also the winning prize was made a different colour so that it stands out even further. This is the main attraction for attendees because they can see the game, which is quite simple philosophy behind it. To win just 10 games in a row. However the prize is so significant. The catch is, is that in the poster it is written ‘there is a chance to win a ps4’ not a definite guarantee win of the games console. This is a popular marketing technique that marketing businesses do.
These promotion techniques were good but to improve on is using more of the promotional resources given to us by the college. By using Moodle, college screen in the foyer, presenting the event to other groups formally.
In conclusion the marketing mix for promotion could have improved if we had given it more time – by doing this more people would have heard about the event; providing a better chance of more profit which would have made our marketing strategies would have been forced to be improved on.

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