- Here you can see the cost of the event as a whole will be 0
- The formula highlighted was made so that if you change the sales target, the total profit will automatically change.
Kevin Yeboah
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Knowledge Skills Audit
Skills /Quality - Team Working
can this be used as a part of a team?
Organisational skills
Can organise when meets should be.
IT Skills
Can create posters, letters, essays,
power point presentation
Well spoken
Can present a presentation
Good at maths
Can calculate very quickly, can solve
mathematical problems
Open minded
Being open to new ideas and work with
Taking criticism
Taking criticism and building on it to
improve yourself
Listening skills
Being able to listen and follow
instructions carefully so that task can be carried out properly. Can listen
to other peoples opinion in group, not just your own.
Confidence /Competence
How to develop
I am able to write letters, essays, and
speeches without any mistakes and to suit any type of audience.
To develop this skill, I would need to practice
these written forms of communication even more
I am able to explain things to people and make
instructions clear for others to follow. Need to work on delivering
presentation skills
To develop presentation skills I need to have
more practice of presenting
I can manage my time and prioritise my workload
to ensure that I produce high-quality work within set deadlines.
Throughout this year I have submitted all
assignments on time and haven’t had to do any last minute work that is
To make sure im even better prepared, create a
timetable scheduling what times and days I do work instead of doing it
When other members in my group project weren’t
doing their tasks I would go out of my way to do the tasks myself without any
I am able to use a range of approaches and
techniques to lead a team towards its goals.
I always take the initiative in the group, I
often tend to get the ball rolling as soon as a goal has been set.
IT skills
I can use IT packages (e.g. Word, Excel, and
Access). I can use specialist IT packages that are specific to my particular
subjects (if applicable).
I am very comfortable with using IT packages.
Need to familiarise myself with Microsoft
In my assignments I did this, and referenced
I sometimes used Wikipedia which is not really
a reliable source. Also double checking facts found on the internet with
other sources will make information more reliable and accurate.
Independent learning
I am able to manage my
own workload and complete tasks on my own with minimal input or supervision
from my teachers.
The extended tasks given to us in the
assignments are examples of supervision from teachers and I’m known to do
well because I have gained distinctions. Extended tasks aren’t taught by
Be more organised on the times I start work, I
usually just do work when I want too. Never a timetable in place.
Explain how promotion is integrated with the rest of the marketing mix in a selected organisation to achieve its marketing aims and objectives
The marketing
mix, includes the 4p’s
Price - What
is the value of the product or service to the buyer?
Product - What does the customer want from the
Promotion – Where/when can you
get across your messages to your target market?
Place - Where do buyers look for your product or service?
In terms of promotion and how it’s integrated with the rest
of the marketing mix; promotion is needed in a marketing mix for an
organisation because potential customers need to be aware of the product/service,
the way people will know about this, is through promotion.
There are different types of promotion that an organisation
can use for them to achieve their aims and objectives. Different organisations
will have different aims and objectives but in this assignment I will talk
about how my group, used promotion to achieve its aims and objectives. Our aims
for the event were:
Use market research to help us create event
Generate profit
If a positive reception, a second part of the
event could be held
Have each member in our group to take part –
have specific roles.
We carried out the event on the 9th June.
Fortunately we achieved all our aims, thanks to our promotion. However looking
back at our promotion techniques; we could have added more promotion techniques
and achieved much more. We generated profit, creating £10. Our event was
carefully crafted because all the resources required for our event were
provided by the college and group members. So the start-up cost was basically
£0. So this meant that even if one person came to our event, we would have
achieved one of our main aims. Like any other business would want; create a
profit or break-even at least.
When coming up with the idea for the event, we had to
consider the other categories in the marketing mix. Price was important because
our group needed to find out how much to charge people, same for the product.
These were fairly easy to create a decision on – we created a survey, as market
research to see how much to charge potential customers and what product they
would like. In our groups case we asked them, what game they would like. A
tally chart was taken and it was easy to analyse and we put the information
into a graph and we could clearly see what game category our market favoured.
So we went with that. Also we aimed our survey at our target market (16-19 year
olds), we took a sample of the whole college, and the survey was taken of our
class of 28 students and 2 teachers.
When promoting our event, we decided to produce posters and
print them around the college. We strategically placed them in areas where we
thought most students would see them; Lifts, outside classrooms, corridors. We
didn’t carry out market research when promoting because we felt as a group we
fit into the target market – so our opinions mattered in the event. We
discussed this and came to agreement and finalized that these were the best
places to promote our event; our minutes and agendas can prove this. In the poster that we created, it included all
elements of the marketing mix.
Product/service – the competition we offered to customers
Place – location of the event in the college
Price – price each game was charged at
Promotion – Placing the posters in strategic areas; lifts
corridors classrooms.
In conclusion, promotion was used in our groups event, to
attract people to the event, in our group we did exceptionally well at this
because we used only posters as a form of promotion. This was what got people
to attend our event.
Explain with examples how different market research methods are appropriate to assist different marketing situations
Questionnaire is a market research method that enables a
group to ask individual people about how they feel about a certain situation.
This method can assist different marketing situations because it gives a clear
understand of how people reacted to the questions you are asking. However you
may want a lot of people to take part, but when carrying out; you may find out
people won’t take part in the questionnaire. This is what happened to our
group, during the event, many people said they were going to complete the
questionnaire given but many didn’t. This made our evaluation and review quite
hard because we didn’t get a full view of how the event was; because only a
small sample of people took part.
On the other hand
prior to our group carrying out the event, we had a survey. This was a simple
tally chart asking two questions.
game would you be happy to pay to play for?
Mortal Kombat
Fifa (Football)
Need for Speed
Black Jack (Cards)
- Simple question, not any difficult words - everybody can understand.
- Says the name of the game - so people who know gaming are aware of the games that will be at the event – also type of game it is in brackets for the people who aren’t so familiar with the game names.
What would be a reasonable price that
you would pay for one game?
£1 or more
- Question asked in a neutral matter, not bias to any category – this makes sure that people aren’t forced into picking one but by their own choice.
- Prices are placed into different categories, so they aren’t overlapping each other – if they weren’t it would be for our group to analyse and create graph and for people taking part, they wouldn’t know where to put their answer.
An interview gives a detailed response on somebody’s
opinion. This is a research method that gathers qualitative information; this
type of research would assist in a marketing situation of reviewing the success
of the market that you had at your event. An example of this would be
collecting people who attend our events contacting information; Asking them
questions, relating to the event, From this a qualitative piece of information
can be written and analyse. The problem with this research method is that it’s
very long – it can’t be analysed as quickly as quantitative information like
our survey that we carried out. It would be very time consuming for the people
in our group and people taking part in the interview. The reason why our group
didn’t choose this method in this marketing situation because we put ourselves
in potential people who would take part; as we are off all same age group- we
then came to the conclusion that we wouldn’t be happy, if we were sat down to
talk about an event; as when no incentive for us has been given us to take
part. For that reason why decided not to use this method.
Product sampling is a market research method that can be
used to give people a physical test of product. It can only be used for
products not services. Unfortunately for our groups’ event, we weren’t able to
use this method for this market situation – as we were offering a competition.
On the other hand, Uber- cab service. Gave new customers a promotional code, to
get up to £10 free journeys, to explore the new cab service; doing this people
were able to sample the service; therefore leading people to pay for the new
cab service, because they were allowed to use it for free, by the use of the
promotional code. If our group holds
another competition, we could possibly have the same type of sampling. Free
first game and charge on the rest of the games. This gives the customer a feel
of how the game is, if they want to continue then they will have to pay.
Evaluate the market research methods used by a selected organisation
In this assignment I will be evaluating the market research
methods use by our group, in hosting our event.
Our group used survey as a market research method. The
reason why we chose this method is because it was quick to create and easy to
carry out. In the same day that we got people to take part in the survey, we
also were able to create graphs and post into our blogs. This was an effective
way of finding out market because it wasn’t time consuming like other research
methods would have been. If we had using this research method doesn’t allow for
individual opinion to be heard. As we are conducting survey we want to know
peoples decision behind the answers they gave. That is the problem with this
method. However not giving the option of allowing people to express their
thoughts makes it easier for us to make decisions. An example is that we asked
in our survey what would be a good price to pay for a game for. The majority
answered 0-49p; However in the other categories (as seen below) people chose.
It would have been better for our group if we knew why they made that decision
and possibly could have catered for them in our event.
One of our aims for this project, was to actually hold one;
then if succesfull we would do it again and would be better because we would
have used the mistakes and feedback and worked on it. Having this thought in
mind, when people came to play games at our event, we let them freely write
down contact details if they wished to be contacted after the event, in order
for us to gain feedback from them. It was two simple questions asked what went
well and even better if. We didn’t give them a deadline to follow but rather we
gave them an incentive; which was a chance to win a ps4. By doing this we
received replies almost instantly. Some even gave feedback during their waiting
time to play the next game. However with this method of customer feedback; it
is not guaranteed that everyone would get back to you, especially if no
incentive for the customer is left for them to do so. On the other hand
feedback that was given enabled us to improve on the next event hopefully.
“Event didn’t start when it was supposed to “
“Seating was poor “
“Not enough refreshments “
“Why there wasn’t enough change made available”
These items of feedback were noted down and for any event in
the future, these problems would be sorted.
Sampling method is used by medical companies to test out new
drugs. Money is used as an incentive to attract people.
Telephone surveys can be used as a marketing research method
but it can be annoying. It’s not as cheap as the other methods. However the
cost can be lowered if it’s an automated person rather than an actually person
speaking. This is very difficult because if you want to carry out research you
would need a person to be speaking to potential customers because more often
than not if a customer is replying to another human the person carry out the
survey can adapt and empathise with the customer and try to convince the
customer to take part. Whereas automated voice, doesn’t allow this, making it
rather cheaper than using a person. In our group we wasn’t able to use this
marketing research method because our target audience wasn’t that wide enough
so it would have been useless because we are aiming at students and staff in
the college.
Evaluate and justify the use of an appropriate promotional mx in relation to marketing objectives for the selected organisation
chose posters as a form of promotion to our specific market because it was quick,
easy, cheap and effective. This was the only form of promotion that we had
used, meaning that people attended our even simply because they saw our poster.
We decided to choose poster as a form of promotion because we would include a
lot of key information on one side of A4. We design it carefully – knowing that
it was aimed at college students mainly, but staff could also attend. We put
the price, time, date. As a group we felt that these were the most appropriate
things that would enable for our specified market to attend the event. As we
did more research and began to create the actual poster. We found out these
pieces of information were just basic. We came up with an idea that will
attract more people to come; this was to create an incentive for people to
come. The incentive that would attract
people to our event was the chance of the winner of the tournament to win a PS3. Adding this incentive possibly increased the amount of customers we had at
our event. The event was held inside the college, which meant our group was
permitted to use college resources; printers and computers. Meaning it didn’t
cost us anything to produce this.
- Business logo added to remind customers the name of the business ‘Games 4 You’
- College logo, this was added to show that the event is just for students and staff of the college only. This is effective because it indirectly tells people that only for college partners – meaning less words are needed to be used
- Terms and conditions of the event. -Written in smaller print, because not everybody wants to read things that contains too many words. It makes the event ‘less fun’. Less focus is put on this area from all the other information in the poster if made smaller than everything else.
- Words carefully constructed – “You could win “. This doesn’t guarantee the actual wining of the Ps4 console. But it puts into the persons reading it, that they would win. Just winning 10 games in a row- would win them a ps4. This is a technique that funfair games use. Attracting the customer knowing that the winning prize is almost non-existent or impossible. If a person truly believes they are good they would enter the competition.
couldn’t use radio as a form of
promotion mix for our marketng objectives because, our target market was
college students. Having this form of promotion would mean that the scale of
the target audience would be bigger than we
had planned for. Prior to the event being carried out, we were told in
guidelines that only college students and staff was only allowed to attend the
event. So by using this large scale promotion would have been useless to us
because many more people would have heard about the event ; but wouldn’t be
able to attend.
A recommendation could be including more different types of promotion could have been used, for example
clothing. Adding clothing to our event and merchandise to give to customers
when they left our event so that they have a physical memory of how the event
was; something to take back home with them. Not only clothing, as that would have cost a
significant amount of money. Freebies like pens/pencils/sweets/ tissues.
- Having these items with our logo it. They would be cheap to produce because the college would fund us.
- Customers can keep these items
Review the success of the event
Did we gain profit
Did people use poster to find the about the event
Did people enjoy themselves
Were there anything that went wrong according to the risk assessment
Did our event clash in with other events
Was the room size big enough
What went well?
People attended – we only were able to use posters as a form
of advertising the event. This shows that we strategically put these posters in
positions where we thought students are mostly likely to see.
Nothing dangerous happened – nothing that we mentioned in
our risk assessment came to pass. This means that the event was safe guarded
Income - straight profit was gained at our event because it
didn’t cost us anything to provide the games. All resources came from group
members – we had many attendees to money spent of refreshments were gained back
and created profit.
What could have gone
Set out of the room – because the first TV that we initially
wanted to use, was not working. We had to use a projector. Therefore we had to
rush and set up the room quickly. Not really planned and had to keep adding
more chairs for people to wait for their turn.
Having change for the customers – we thought we wouldn’t
have to produce change for the customers , because we thought the people who
come will have 50p or £1 coins. This was the case for some, but others had
notes, which meant they had to leave the college and get change. It didn’t
cause much hassle but it must have been annoying for somebody who is next to go
and get change just to play.
Having more people to gain larger profit; in total we gained
£10 from the event, if more people came then would have increased this profit.
What went wrong?
More attendees than we expected, however some of these
people were just spectators and didn’t actually participate in the game.
First TV that we had planned to use wasn’t working; we then
had to rush to the IT technician who allowed us to use projector; this worked
out better because it was on a bigger screen, making it more comfortable for
the people playing the game.
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