Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Team Roles

Team Roles
Project Manager (Director)
Good at evaluating/analysing
Team Leader
Well-spoken organised
Good decision making skills
Leadership skills
Good note taking skills
Good listener
Gives good advice
Excellent maths skills
Good analysing skills
Good IT skills
Good IT skills – for research
Has passion for research
 In our team, we all played a different role in trying to achieve the aim which is to host an event which will gain a profit or at most break even. Legally in a meeting there has to be a director and a secretary. That’s why we have these roles in our team; director to chair the meetings and a secretary to note down the minutes. This is why Leon was chosen to be secretary because he had the strongest note taking skills in the group compared to others. In a professional environment secretary job isn’t much admirable as a director but this role is important because the team needs to track its progress in meetings and having an extra set of hands to profile meetings are good because it ensures that any disputes that may occur in the future can be proven/disproven because they have been written down. Also to track back any evidence from previous meetings. People who were absent from one meeting can check the minutes to update themselves of what they have missed. Rae was in charge of finance because of his excellent maths skills and his IT skills. He was able to create an financial analysis of the event on Microsoft excel; explaining what would be profit/loss’s will be made from the event. Compared to other members in the group, we wouldn’t have been able to do this without his expertise. He achieved a B grade in IT GCSE in July 2013. Having this document made it easier for the group decide to see how much money we were spending and what could be potentially made. The document was easy to understand for the rest of us, who wasn’t familiar with this type of data. He even added a formulae so when you change a figure; an example being how much people attend our event the profit will either increase/decrease depending what figure you put. I have a passion for research and development, so this is a reason why I chose to do marketing; which involves researching sources and them implanting them onto a word document and analysing. Compared to other team members they didn’t have this passion as I did. As Dr Belbin says that in a team, the role that an individual takes comes naturally. Other members wouldn’t have been able to carry this role out as effectively. Ibrahim was team leader because he is well spoken, well organised, can make good decisions and a good listener. I wouldn’t have suited this role because speaking in presentations is not a very strong skill that I have, but I am working on it. Being a leader means that they have to listen to other group members opinions and decide the best option to go with – at the same time has to take control of other people that in their roles and make sure that they aren’t struggling either. This is why team leaders have to be organised, managing priorities; ensuring that less important things don’t consume too much time.

To share the workload between the members of the group, we often shared tasks within the roles. For example one meeting I will be the director and Leon will be the secretary. Another meeting Ibrahim will be director and Rae would be secretary. We decided to do this because it helps the individuals in the group who are not strong in one role a chance to improve on. Having moral support of a team member makes it more daunting rather than somebody external/older teaching you how to carry out a role.

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